I'm just glad that I've done it in plenty of time for little babe's arrival, especially seeing as I have a few other things that I want to make before he or she puts in an appearance. The other thing that I've made is a little cardigan for little babe to come home from the hospital in. I've used Elan Forever Green again, which is such a lovely yarn to knit with, and I'm working on the pattern at the moment, and hopefully once tested, it will be available. If I don't run out of time that is!
I'm really pleased with the way this has come out, the buttons look a bit large, but I couldn't resist, I got them from incy wincy stitches, and I think that they are fab. Certainly perfect for something a bit special like this.

I'm not the only one finishing projects either, my test knitters have also been doing lots of hard work for me. So far the shoes have all been tested by at least one person, and they're looking great. Hoping that some of the cardigans will be finished soon too.
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