Last minute valentine

Small amount of red yarn (I used dk)
Suitable needles for gauge (4.5mm in my case)
Bamboo coctail sticks
Cast on Two stitches
Row one
Row two
Inc two stitches by knitting in the back and front of both stitches
Row three
Row four
Knit into back and front of first stitch knit to end knit into back and front of last stitch.
Row five
Repeat rows four and five until the bottom of the heart is roughly the size that you want, (in my case 20 stitches) end with a knit row, no inc.
Next row
Knit to centre of heart, (for me 10 stitches) turn leaving rest of the stitiches unworked.
Next row
Knit 2 together knit to last two stitches, knit two together.
Repeat this row until only two stitches remain, leave these on needle, and cut wool.
Next re-attach yarn to unworked stitches.
Next row
Next row
Knit 2 together, knit to last two stitiches, knit two together
Repeat until only two stitches remain. Cut thread leaving long tail.
Making up
Sew in shorter ends but leave long end loose.
Thread a coctail stick into the four stitches you have left, glue the heart and coctail sticks to the card.
Wind the long thread into a flat circle shape and glue onto card so that it looks like the ball of wool that is being knit with.
Write the card and give it to a loved one.
© COPYRIGHT Kelly Jo Sweeney 2010
This pattern is offered free of charge for your own personal use. Please do not make items using this pattern for sale. Should you wish to sell items made from this pattern, then please contact me for details of my Cottage Industry Licenses.
For yarns, more free patterns and knitting and crochet accessories, please see my site:
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